Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fragrant Flowers

Plants and flowers are nature's gifts to cure our worries etc.. and make us happy. The beauty of growing flowers from our own garden(s) and enjoying them is really great! And going a step further, making cut flowers, garlands,e tc.. and offering them to God is even more enjoyable. In almost all the religions, offering flowers / gralnds etc.. to their respective God(s) is dscribed as a creditable act. With it rich (10000+ years) cultural hertiage obviously in India, a wide variety of flowers are grown and used - both for decoration and offerings etc..When I came to US, this flowers database grew much, as I found so many interesting and beautiful flowers , which are very easyt o grow. I thought that, it was worth while writing about those gifts of Mother Nature to us, who are struck in this world of materialism.

Depending on the climate, rainfall, hardiness etc.. different kinds of flowers could be grown in different parts of the world and country. Some indoors and some out-doors, , some creepers, some trees etc.. In general, flowers are selected for two reasons:

1. For their color or brightness
2. For their fragrance.

For example, fuschia(s),dahlias etc..a re grown for their colors - whether used in cutflowers or being offered. On the other hand tea-roses, columbines, jasmine, gardenia etc.. are grown for their unique fragrance(s). As we know, from time to time various different flowers have been cultivated by our ancestors for spiritual or commercial purposes. Flowwing that grounds, I am trying to collect the biological name(s) of those ancient flowers found in out scriptures , and also the modern beauties. For exmaple, Gardenia is called as Gandhraja (King of fragrances) in Sanskrit and is mentione din various places in the scriptures songs etc..

This article would be in-complete if we dont talk about fragrant leaves or herbs. When I found out that, basil was cokked with tomoato, I was really surprised.  IN my child-hood, I have seen various kind sof basils, grown and offered to Gods, used in teas etc.. as medicine for cold,fever.. - but for the first time I found that, it was in Italy that, ethey had consumed Basil. SImilar was the case with Mugwort (Masi), which I found in a Korean grocery shop for sale. There are a brand of leaves or herbs, whicha re offered in religious services in Inda, and each of them have a unique medicinal value. So, some of the leaves are fragrant and some of them were not. But all of them certainly do posess medicinal vlaues curing diseases.

I wanted to post about various flowers, leaves etc.. mentioned in the scriptures , so that we can very easily associate their names (in Sanskrit) to their corresponding botanical  names + also see the picture sof how they would look like.

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